Cinnamon Egg White Oatmeal

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UPDATE: If you are revisiting this recipe post, you may have noticed a change in the title. The recipe was changed from oatmeal to “egg white” oatmeal, because I only recently came to the realization that the egg whites are absolutely necessary. They genuinely take this ordinary oatmeal (which is, of course, delicious on its own) and make it extraordinary. I promise you, this concept is literally oatmeal-related life changing 😉 I also tweaked the recipe in the slightest, but this really utilizes the magic of fluffiness of the egg whites to the fullest ❤

Take a look at that oatmeal. Honestly, how can anyone resist? I genuinely crave this every morning, but I try to switch up my breakfasts to avoid a lack of variety. But to be completely honest, I could definitely eat this EVERY SINGLE DAY. This warm bowl of comfort is indeed that delicious.

What amuses me is that I used to despise oatmeal. I could not stand it so much that when my family would prepare it in the morning, I felt the need to hold my nose closed out of fear of a whiff sneaking into my nasal passages. Perhaps I was a bit of a drama queen, but this just goes to show how times have changed. It truly amazes me how oatmeal has now become one of my favorite foods, and how I wake up eager to experience the aroma of the cinnamon goodness. 🙂

I have tested out this recipe plenty of times and I believe it is safe to say that it is foolproof! It is very straight-forward and simple to prepare, but there are a few aspects to my oatmeal that allow it to be as lovely as it is. First and foremost, I always use milk as my choice of liquid, because I find that this provides a creamy and luscious consistency that oats prepared with water seem to be missing. Secondly, I have discovered that sweetening and seasoning the oats before they had have a chance to absorb all of the liquid is absolutely vital; my theory is that as the oats expand, they will ultimately soak in any additional flavor that has been added to the liquid. However, if one were to do so once the oats have fully expanded, the flavoring acts as more of a glaze and, as a result, the oats are left tasting rather bland. Furthermore, I always add in an egg white or two; it sounds pretty odd (at least I initially thought so), but it really helps with achieving the perfect texture and it has the bonus benefit of added protein! I also wanted to add that I prefer my oatmeal to be on the drier side, but feel free to add more liquid depending on your personal preference.

Enough chitchat, let’s get on to the oats!


1/2 cup quick cooking oats (you can also used rolled oats, if preferred)

1 cup milk

1-1 1/2 teaspoons brown sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon

1-2 egg white/s

Toppings of choice (some of my favorites include bananas, strawberries, shredded apple, chocolate chips, or nuts!)


1. In a saucepan on high, bring milk to a boil. While the milk heats up, crack the egg whites in a bowl and whip them up! The longer you whip them, the better the oats will be, but if we are being real this is an ARM KILLER; you should at least look for some frothiness and lots of bubbles.

2. Reduce stove-top to medium heat. Stir in oats immediately, followed by the brown sugar, and cinnamon. Allow to cook for about a minute, stirring occasionally (rolled oats will take a few minutes longer).

3. When almost all of the liquid has been absorbed, fold in the egg whites to avoid losing the air that has been whipped in. Once the egg whites are cooked (they will appear opaque white) remove the oatmeal from the stove top, cover the pan with a lid, and allow to sit for 5 minutes. There may a bit of liquid remaining, but the residual heat will finish cooking it off. Meanwhile, prepare your choice of toppings.

4. Scoop oatmeal out of the pan into your serving bowl. Top with whatever your heart desires and enjoy!

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If you guys try out this recipe, please let me know what you think! And if you happen to post a picture, tag me in it @recoveryforabetterme so that I can see your recreations! ❤

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