REVIEW: Harry Potter and the Dealthy Hallows (Book and Movies, Parts 1 & 2)

Happy Monday! I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend ❤

Before I dive into this post, I figured I would explain the direction that I would like to be headed in with this blog. As you are probably aware of, I am recovering from anorexia, and as of recently a majority of my posts have been focused on this journey. However, lately I have found it to be challenging to write posts regarding recovery for several reasons. Firstly, I do not by any means consider myself to be sufficiently knowledgeable in every single aspect of this process, and thus I do not feel qualified to write so much regarding a topic I am still figuring out for myself.

In addition, as embarrassing as it might sound, writing posts dealing with such a heavy topic has a big effect on the way I feel. I will typically step away from keyboard feeling fairly down and upset, as I type out my experiences with all of my heart and emotion. I am definitely not ashamed to have developed an eating disorder, as I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, yet at the same time it is not something I am proud to broadcast 100% of the time.

To sum it up, I have come to the decision that while I will definitely still write about recovery, I do not want this to be the only topic I discuss. I love writing and I have tons of interests, ranging from music to books to movies to food… 🙂 I am still figuring everything out, but you can expect loads of reviews, recipes, and more along with my usual posts!

Anyway, onto the purpose of this post, let’s discuss Harry Potter!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I am completely aware that these books have been out for ages, but I never felt compelled to read them until recently for a few reasons. Firstly, I had been aware that the fan base for this series is massive, and it seemed as though the novels were over-hyped. Additionally, I never managed to get a hold of the series. However, I signed up for and received a card for my local library this past year, and let’s just say it came to be extremely beneficial. To provide an example, I would literally come home with 20+ books and be ready to return them within the following week; the library has brought out the avid reader in me.

Somewhere in between these massive amounts of books, I decided to pick up the first novel of the series, and I am so glad I did. I flew past the 6 books, but I was fairly hesitant to pick up the final book since I had grown to be attached to this story and the characters. Nevertheless, I ultimately decided to do so and open up to the first page, beginning my journey to the completion. And thank god I did.

All I can say about this book is that it is a must-read. In my opinion, I truly believe J.K. Rowling completed her best-selling series wonderfully. It is evident that these novels were thoroughly thought out; every occurrence had a purpose, and every purpose had a hidden message. Likewise, there were plenty of unexpected connections pointed out that drove my mind insane. In other words, J.K. Rowling is utter genius.

Although this story is entirely fiction, she depicts everything very realistically. Another issue I usually find with novels in this genre is that it is generally difficult to create images in mind of the unrealistic and mythical aspects, yet Rowling manages to provide such extraordinary and clear descriptions. Furthermore, what I found to be most enjoyable and relieving is that with this plot, it is inevitable for there to be heart-breaking scenes, yet Rowling does a lovely job of mentioning the occurrences without dwelling over them. In other words, these events are sad enough on their own without being grieved upon; she clearly understood this and translated it into her writing.

Overall, I believe it is safe to say that this is one of the best books I have ever read, and my favorite of the series.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1

When I initially discovered that the movies were divided into two parts, I felt fairly disappointed. It seemed as though the producers did so to acquire as much wealth from this story as possible. However, after reading the book and watching the movies, I completely understand why they did so. This book is not even the longest of the series, yet there is so much going on with it; if the movie had not been split up, either crucial details would be left out crucial details or it would have to last at least six hours.

Being the annoying person I am, I definitely noticed parts that were left out of this movie, yet I do feel as though the bits cut out were not necessary to get the story’s message across.

This movie had not been as action-packed as the second. However, despite this, I found it to be astounding. There is something so magical about watching a movie after reading a book; the words and imagery that had been pictured in my head are displayed right in front of me. I sometimes find that the movie differs from my expectation, yet their depiction and transformation from the book to the movie was just as I had imagined it to be.

I also need to add that the cast for this movie was absolutely spectacular. I honestly could not picture anybody else to play the characters in this book, from the protagonists to the less significant extras. It is evident that a significant amount of thought had been put in during casting.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

This movie was spectacular. That is truly all I can say.

I noticed that as the movies progressed the acting sufficiently improved, and in this movie particularly, the acting was on par. They displayed their emotions in such a way that the scenes felt authentic and genuine. Likewise, the actors matured significantly, and I was amazed when I thought back on the fact that they had worked on these movies for a majority of their adolescence.

I also noticed that the special effects grew to become significantly more realistic as the movies progressed, and I found that this movie had the greatest improvement.

I did notice that there were certain parts of the movie added to create “movie magic”. I didn’t necessarily mind the inclusions, yet I was frustrated that a certain part of the book was altered to make space for these. I do believe it affected the general feeling of this specific scene; however, it is understandable as to why it was left out since it was not necessarily required.

This storyline is extremely inventive and intriguing in my personal opinion, so I may be slightly biased when I say that apart from this minor personal issue, I believe this was the best possible way to complete the series of movies.


I hope you guys enjoyed this post! It was interesting, and fairly enjoyable at that, to write out and share my opinions:)

Are you a fan Harry Potter? If so, which book/movie is your favorite?

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