About Me

Hey everyone! For privacy sake, I am going to keep my name confidential. But if you have visited this page, you probably want to know a bit about me. Let me introduce myself.

I am a 15 year old gal with a passion for music as well as health and fitness (quite an odd combo, but aren’t those the best?). I love animals, playing music, singing, reading, writing, weight-lifting, dancing, drawing, cooking, and baking! I also enjoy going on long walks, playing sports, and watching Netflix. I am a pretty shy and reserved person when it comes to meeting new people, but a goofball once you get to know me 😉 I am the kind of person that always needs to be busy with something, whether it be taking pictures, doing homework, or even creating this blog.

I have been blessed with an amazing and supportive family, and I don’t know where I would be without them in my life ❤

My goals are to live a little, learn to have balance, get stronger, and be a healthier and happier person overall. If you have stumbled across this blog, I hope that my journey can inspire you, and that you can inspire me with yours, too. We are all in this together!

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